Exact type of error it's designed to fix: Prepatch failed
Sometimes when you DL a new patch from BN it'll fail to patch the War3 files. This patch is designed to make warcraft3 patch installer working again

Blizzard PrePatch vX.XX compiled on XXX This program patches Warcraft 3 Log created at X:XX pm on DD/MM/YYYY Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath' The system cannot find the file specified. --- RESULT: Prepatch failed ---
Please enter the location of your Warcraft 3 game, click on `get the path`. Registry file will be generated for download. You must save this file to harddisk and run it.
Note: for standard installations one from below should work (copy/paste it):
C:\Program Files\Warcraft III
D:\Program Files\Warcraft III
E:\Program Files\Warcraft III
F:\Program Files\Warcraft III
G:\Program Files\Warcraft III
Problem finding game files?